Calling all Bethlehem, PA homeowners who need exterior remodeling: Kesting Construction is the right contractor to call for all of your exterior remodeling needs including roofing, siding, decking, windows, and doors. Based in nearby Harleysville, we at Kesting are local, trustworthy, and have satisfied many local homeowners with our work. If you’re a homeowner in Bethlehem, PA, looking for a contractor that gets the job done right, you’ve come to the right place! Get to learn more about our services below, or call267.441.3070 with any questions. You may also request a convenient and FREE estimate through our website. We look forward to hearing from you and getting started on improving your home’s exterior!

Roof Replacement & Installation in Bethlehem, PA
Our premier service, Kesting Construction is happy to offer roofing services to homeowners in Bethlehem, PA! Whether your home needs roof repair, replacement, or a roof installation altogether, you can rely on our team to work hard to get you a fantastic final product. Our attention to detail and use of durable, trusted materials have helped us complete many outstanding roofing projects throughout the local area. If you’re interested in learning more about our roofing services, simply click the button below for more information, or contact our team today!
Siding Replacement & Installation in Bethlehem, PA
Siding does far more for your home than simply making it look complete. As a matter of fact, siding is your home’s first line of protection against, weather, conditions, and elements that can be harmful to your home. With such importance to your home, when you notice that your siding could use repair or replacement, it’s ideal to get in touch with a professional contractor who knows what they’re doing. For homeowners in Bethlehem, PA, local Kesting Construction is the right team to call for any of your siding needs. We hope to hear from you soon and restore your home’s siding to its fullest potential!

Deck Repair & Installation in Bethlehem, PA
Decks are a simple yet effective upgrade for any home, as they provide homeowners with space to do the things that they enjoy in an outdoor setting. Whether you’re having a casual weeknight meal with family, or hosting a graduation party, decks are a great place for all to gather and spend quality time. If you’re interested in a deck for your Bethlehem home, look no further than our qualified team here at Kesting Construction to grant you a beautiful final product! Interested in learning more information? It is as easy as giving us a call or submitting a contact form and we will get back to you shortly. We look forward to getting started.
Upgrade Your Bethlehem Home With Kesting Construction
Kesting Construction specializes in roofing, siding, deck, windows, and door maintenance for homeowners in Bethlehem, PA. Interested in learning more about how we can help you? Just call267.441.3070 or request an estimate on our website. We look forward to hearing from you and getting started improving your home’s exterior – simply reach out to us today to get started.